So when you publish a video with Swarmify, the platform will fetch a copy of that file from its original source location in order to begin the encoding and optimization process for delivery from our global network. That original source location can be YouTube, Vimeo, S3, WordPress Media Library, pCloud and so on. Please ensure that the original source file is in the highest quality possible starting out as it helps make the final output and delivery quality top notch.
But my original source location is YouTube or Vimeo.
Generally, YouTube and Vimeo will do a quick low resolution encoding before processing higher encodes for freshly uploaded files. So if you are using YouTube or Vimeo as your original file source location, please make sure any freshly uploaded files there have completely finished encoding, otherwise, Swarmify will grab and begin optimizing from a low quality file which is less than ideal.
So what happens if Swarmify has already fetched a low resolution copy of my file(s) from YouTube or Vimeo?
The solution would be to create a new copy of the video at YouTube or Vimeo if that is your preferred source and then wait for them to fully process. Then insert that new URL embed onto your site (or in the source in the SmartVideo tag) and our system will grab the high-resolution version and reprocess.
Keywords: low res, low resolution, video quality, blurry