How to get up and running with SmartVideo if you are not using our WordPress plugin, Squarespace, or Adobe Muse
If you are not Squarespace or Adobe Muse, or are on WordPress and need more manual controls than is offered by our WordPress plugin, these are the installation instructions for you.
Account setup:
If you already have a SmartVideo account, scroll down to What happens after I install?
If you do not, create your SmartVideo account here. Once registered, you'll be given a unique key to access the Swarmify API. This swarmcdnkey is required to configure your site for video delivery by Swarmify.
What happens after I install?
After installing our script into your site's head tag, SmartVideo will begin scanning your site for videos. If you have YouTube or Vimeo videos on your site, they will be automatically converted to SmartVideo.
A video can take up to 30 minutes to convert to SmartVideo depending on the length and resolution of the video file. You will know that a video has been fully converted by SmartVideo when, while hovering over the Video Acceleration icon on the player, the popup box says Video Acceleration: On
1. Click on the Configuration tab in your Swarmify dashboard, follow the on-screen instructions, and copy the snippet to your clipboard.
2. Paste the snippet before the final </HEAD> tag of your HTML template
3. Please note: if you are unable to manipulate the actual page and insert the JavaScript above the </HEAD> tag, most 3rd party CMS' have a section called "Code Injection" commonly used to add Google Analytics or Facebook pixels to the template. You can insert our JavaScript in into the same area.
Great job, now the snippet is installed and you are ready to add <smartvideo> tags! 🎉
If you do not have YouTube or Vimeo videos embedded on your site or want to add videos without those services, click here to learn more about how to add a video to your site.